
And why does it matter?

Frame of honey of different colors
Beekeeper Inspecting Frame
Beekeeper Inspecting Frame

Is this the person selling you the honey? What do you know about them? Do they try to use the maximum interventions to achieve the maximum honey production? Or do they let the "bees do what bees do?"

Commercial Bee Yard
Fungicide Spraying in Almonds
"Ingestion of honey without knowing its source and safety might be problematic. "

Antibiotic, Pesticide, and Microbial Contaminants of Honey: Human Health Hazards. Antibiotic, Pesticide, and Microbial Contaminants of Honey: Human Health Hazards. 

 This article illuminates the problem with honey contamination. As with any food, where and how it is produces has everything to do with how healthy it is. Honey produces in an area with high agricultural chemical use will be contaminated. The quote "ingestion of honey without knowing its source and savety might be problematic" is from the article. Click the link above to read the full article.

Picture above is from Randy Oliver's Scientific Beekeeping site and is fungicide spraying in almond grove. Randy's full article is here.